Beginning to capture...

Update: November 26th, 2018


Hello all,

A little introduction to both me (Sean Pickersgill) and Kristina Huang, both our roles, and how we got involved in the Minimum Mass project!

Kristina and I are both 3rd-year students at Victoria University, studying Media Design with the Faculty of Architecture and Design. Though studying the same major, both I and Kristina believe we bring something unique to the project. Kristina has a massive wealth of animation experience, both generated from keyframe and motion capture methods and bringing these animations into games and visual experiences through the Unity engine. I also come from a background in game development and animation and asset creation. However, this is my first experience using motion capture. Though new to mocap, as a 3rd-year Theater and Media Design major, I am able to translate the tech to the stage. Trained in directing, devising, and improvisation, I hope to assist in blocking out the action and the scenes in the performance (an interesting challenge as there are literally infinite angles at which our intended audience will be able to watch!) That’s my hope anyway!

Kristina and I have been hired to this project through the Victoria University Summer Scholarship Program, where we hope to aid the development team for the duration of our summer break (10 weeks). Over the coming weeks, you will be seeing more and more posts detailing our experiences and also featuring any cool tech we manage to get our hands on down on the Mocap stage.

this past week we acclimatized ourselves to the project, meeting the fantastic team that Raqi and Areito have put together, and taking sage advice on motion capture from John Aberdein, our resident Mocap Guru, as well as creating a rough blocking for the experience and generating a ‘ radio-play’-esque version of the script which should be useful for balancing the emotional flow of the performance.

We hope to have some great photos up for you by the end of this week so watch this space!

- Kristina and Sean